National Seven
Guitar Pro Tab | v4.06
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:43 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Transatlantic, TRA 135
Song Author
John Renbourn
Tabbed by
Emadigon Alias Brian McNicholl Version 1.02, 9th May 2007
1st → Guitar
2nd → Voice
File Size
34 KB
Johns Web
Interesting that JR deliberately avoids playing
g or g # when playing chord E.
So E chords are mostly neither major or minor .
Except in the middle twiddle & outro.
Bar 9, I think JR overshot the B chord,
and made an interesting mistake.
GP4 can't do bends & pull-offs on the same note.
So the bend on bar 14 e.g. is not correct but is best I
can do.
I've omitted verse 3 & a solo verse.
The timing is "Shuffle Rhythm".
The GP4 built in 'Shuffle rhy: '
is not flexible enough.
see below, (outside this text box)
I tried to tab without triplets... sounded bad.